Day 2, Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics

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Day 2 of the conference had below talks. Prof. Dr. Bernd Brügmann gave a short introduction. He pointed out that Jena is number 10 in Physics in Germany, has ca. 100.000 inhabitants, and 20.000 students.

  1. Dr. Karl Rupp, Vienna, Lessons Learned in Developing the Linear Algebra Library ViennaCL. Notes: C++ operator overloading normally uses temporary, special trickery necessary to circumvent this, ViennaCL not callable from Fortran due to C++/operator overloading,, Karl Rupp’s slides, with CUDA 5+6 OpenCL and CUDA are more or less on par,
  2. Prof. Dr. Rainer Heintzmann, Jena, CudaMat – a toolbox for Cuda computations. Continue reading

Day 1, Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics

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As announced in Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics, July 2014, I attended this two-day conference in Jena, Germany. Below are speakers and pictures with my personal notes.

  1. Dipl.-Ing. Hans Pabst from Intel, Programming for the future: scaling forward with cores and vectors. Hans Pabst Continue reading

HDMI Audio on Intel NUC

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I struggled somewhat in getting audio via HDMI on Intel NUC. The following commands in .xsession solved the problem for me:

/usr/bin/pulseaudio -D
echo set-default-sink 0 | /usr/bin/pacmd
exec /usr/bin/firefox

The trick is to set the default sink in pulseaudio.

I use Firefox on the NUC because Google Chrome does not correctly repaint the screen.

Alternatively you can set

set-default-sink 0

in /etc/pulse/

Added 30-May-2015: For hearing output on both channels, i.e., HDMI and earphone, set

load-module module-combine-sink sink_name=combined

in /etc/pulse/

No Perl and PHP on Mainframe from IBM

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IBM no longer provides Perl for its mainframe machines, see Software withdrawal: Selected IBM System z platform products (a copy is here: IBM-Withdrawal-ENUS913-252. It looks like they have not heard that Perl is the duct tape that holds the internet together. Similarly IBM withdraw PHP from their mainframe platform. So Wikipedia and Facebook will not run on big iron. Not that Wikipedia or Facebook ever wanted to, but now IBM pulled the plug.

In the same vein all IBM has to offer their customers is 32-bit COBOL on their mainframe, so customers can only use less than 2 GB, see Memory Limitations with IBM Enterprise COBOL Compiler.

In earlier times IBM tried to sell their VisualAge products, which where notoriously slow, and never really took off. Now they aggressively sell WebSphere.

Who makes these decisions? And who approves this?

In defense of IBM, there is a company called Rocket Software which provides Perl and PHP. So it’s like going to McDonald’s ordering a hamburger, but the clerk tells you that you should buy the bread separately from the nearby bakery.

Splitting Large Files on Microsoft Windows

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After finishing my ABAP programming course I wanted to upload the Netweaver-trial software to Telekom media-center. Telekom media-center allows you to store up to 25 GB of data in the cloud. That’s more storage than offered by many USB sticks. Netweaver-trial software is about 3.5 GB, and media-center (or Windows) does not allow to upload more than 2 GB for a single file. On Linux this is no problem: Just use split, which is in coreutils. Continue reading