Downgrading PulseAudio with

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Just upgraded PulseAudio from 9.0-1 => 10.0-2, which was no good, as I was left with no sound.

The bash script given in Github by Gordian Edenhofer saved the day. Sound is back. The script is for Arch Linux.

Usage: libpulse pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth

From now on I have to use

pacman -Syu --ignore pulseaudio --ignore libpulse --ignore pulseaudio-bluetooth

to not lose the good version and getting the infected version again.

Victoria Kaspi Public Lecture: The Cosmic Gift of Neutron Stars

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A very fine introduction by Prof. Dr. Victoria Kaspi to neutron stars, pulsars, magnetars, binary pulsars. Explaining their use in test for general relativity, and detection of gravitational waves.

She also mentions Einstein@Home.

Homepage of Prof. Kaspi is here. A recent (6-Jan-2017) observation by Prof. Kaspi was given by NASA. She was a pupil and Ph.D. candidate under Joseph Taylor (K1JT).

Arnold Heinrich Klausmeier

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On 16-Dec-2016 my father died after a long and suffering disease.

Born on 28-Nov-1934, he witnessed World-War-II, 1939-1945, separation of Germany, Suez Crisis, 1956, Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, Vietnam War, Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976, but also the German reunification, and the Euro.

As requested by my father we four children each held a funeral eulogy.

In school:

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