Moved Blog To

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This blog here is no longer maintained. I moved to During migration I corrected a couple of minor typos and dead links.

Main reasons:

  1. This new editor put the last nail in the coffin, existing content is garbled once you edit it
  2. Math typesetting is quite arduous, would like to have full MathJax support
  3. Overall slow
  4. Importing does not allow to overwrite posts

Nevertheless, I started blogging here since January 2008, really used it starting in 2012. Collected more than 120 thousand views and almost 100 thousand visitors.

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 110.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 110.000 times since its inception and had more than 84.500 visitors. The averages per month are:

The most popular posts this year are:

The most popular posts over all years are:

Distribution of countries accessing this blog over last 365 days, USA is number one, followed by Germany and India:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 100.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 100.000 times since its inception and had more than 76.750 visitors. The averages per month are:

As numbers:

The most popular posts over one year are:

The most popular posts over all years are:

Distribution of countries accessing this blog over last 365 days, USA is number one, followed by Germany and India:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 90.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 90.000 times since its inception and had more than 68.630 visitors. The averages per month are:

The most popular posts over one year are:

The most popular posts over all years are:

USA is at the top of viewers of my blog this year, as before:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 80.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 80.200 times since its inception and had more than 60.000 visitors. The averages per month are:

Between 1,000 and 2,000 views per month in bar chart form:

The most popular posts over all years are:

The most popular blog posts this year were:

USA is at the top of viewers of my blog this year:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 70.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 71.400 times since its inception and had more than 54.000 visitors. The averages per month are:

Between 1,000 and 2,000 views per month in bar chart form:

The most popular blog posts over all years are:

The most popular blog posts this year were:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 60.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 60.000 times since its inception and had more than 45.000 visitors. I wrote about the development of this blog as follows:

  1. 2014/05/07: 5,000 Views
  2. 2014/09/10: 10,000 Views
  3. 2014/12/27: 15,000 Views
  4. 2015/04/23: 20,000 Views
  5. 2016/01/24: 30,000 Views
  6. 2016/11/12: 40,000 Views
  7. 2017/05/18: 50,000 views

The averages per month are:

Between 1,000 and 2,000 views per month in bar chart form:

As Countries, USA, Germany, and India at the top:

Referrers, Google by far the most important referrer:

The most popular blog posts are:

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 50.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 50.000 times and had more than 37.000 visitors. I wrote about the development of this blog as follows:

  1. 2014/05/07: 5.000 Views
  2. 2014/09/10: 10.000 Views
  3. 2014/12/27: 15.000 Views
  4. 2015/04/23: 20.000 Views
  5. 2016/01/24: 30.000 Views
  6. 2016/11/12: 40.000 Views

The averages per day are: Continue reading

Converting WordPress Export File to Hugo

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I have written on the Hugo static site generator here. Now I have written a migration program in the Go programming language to convert from WordPress export format to Hugo format. This program wp2hugo.go is in GitHub. It can be freely downloaded and does not need any further dependencies, except, of course, Go. The Go software is in Arch Linux or Ubuntu.

To convert a blog from WordPress you have to create an export file.

If the blog is not too voluminous, one simply downloads a single XML-file which contains all posts and pages. If the blog in question is larger, then you will receive an e-mail from In that e-mail you will find a link from where you can download a ZIP which contains two or more XML files in them. If you have such a ZIP-file, then unpack it, for example by using p7zip. Then run

go run wp2hugo.go XML1 XML2 ...

Continue reading

Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 40.000 Views

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This blog was viewed more than 40.000 times and had more than 30.000 visitors. As in this post, here are the numbers:


All these increases by 10.000 views all come roughly every eight months, see 30.000 (Jan-2016), 20.000 (Apr-2015), 10.000 (Sep-2014). So I kind of have reached a steady-state.

The averages per day are: Continue reading

Considerations when converting from to Hugo

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At times uses its user base to experiment with some half baked new features, see for example Classical editor in, or see this Hello Jekyll, bye! These are the times when I consider migrating from to another blogging platform. Usually after some grumbling I stick with, simply because it is very good. is working very reliably, offering a multitude of features not found elsewhere.

Hugo is probably the best choice regarding static website generators. Hugo’s strongest point is its speed, see 6 Static Blog Generators That Aren’t Jekyll. As this blog has more than 200 posts, and my other blog at Collected Links has almost 3.000 posts, speed is of concern. For a list of more static website generators see Top Open-Source Static Site Generators.

Below is a list of tasks and open issues when migrating from to Hugo static website generator:

  1. Migration itself: as of today there does not seem to be an out-of-the box migration toolkit. Ideally one takes the XML export file to start Hugo. I have written such a program and described it here: Converting WordPress Export File to Hugo.
  2. Automatic showing “Related to” blog posts
  3. Scheduled tasks: Using some crontab or at-job machinery will probably do the trick
  4. site stats: As the stats are no longer available one has to either use Google analytics, or analyze the weblog of the web-server. Right now I find the statistics page quite informative and I prefer it to the convoluted statistics page found on Google Analytics.
  5. top posts, blog stats directly on the blog
  6. Android app for publishing posts when you don’t want to turn on your laptop or desktop machine
  7. publicize, i.e., automatically sharing new posts on Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
  8. posting posts by e-mail
  9. password protected posts do not seem to work out of the box
  10. reblogged posts no longer work

Below list of features are already built-in in Hugo, and there is no need to work around it:

  1. math equations
  2. the “more”-tag seems to be there, it is called summaries

Added 11-Jun-2017: Julia Evans also uses Hugo. She migrated from Jekyll to Hugo. Her Hugo blog source is in GitHub.

Added 18-Jan-2018: This post is referenced in Awesome Hugo.